Pete .... a super cute, stripy tight, jumper wearing pumpkin! His merino wool pumpkin jumper is fully stuffed with more merino wool to give him a lovely big rounded tummy sitting atop his little green stripy legs and boots. Finished off with a smidge of crazy green ‘hair’ and a classic Harris tweed flat cap. He’s just the sweetest chap 🧡
All hand painted/ made by Mrs H, suitable for indoor use only, home decoration, this is not a toy.
Each duck is truly individual, no two are the same. Standing 23-25cm tall, the ducks body is made from the root of the bamboo plant so each and everyone is a little different from the last.
Each is hand painted so the tights will be wonky.... but let’s face, aren’t they always?! His jumper is hand knitted from the finest merino wool and his little bobble hat makes him about as festive as you can get. Gorgeous little characters who are truly well behaved.... most of the time!